Partial view of Puerto Vallarta Airport's Parking lot

Partial view of Puerto Vallarta Airport’s Parking lot

The amount companies that have flights to Puerto Vallarta have grown in quality and quantity these last years, better options, more starting points in the USA and Canada, direct flights and, best of all, better prices.

Delta Airlines, for example, has added a number of direct flights to the city, when not more than a few years ago they didn’t even have one flight to PVR. There are now even flights from the UK, so things are looking good for Pto. Vallarta.

Airport Address: Carretera a Tepic KM 7.5, Colonia Villas Las Flores, Puerto Vallarta
Phone numbers: (322) 221-1298, (322) 221-1325 & (322) 221-1537
Fax: (322) 221-1130
PVR Airport Information

Last Updated on 11/08/2023 by Puerto Vallarta Net